Oh man, now how hard was that? Getting a post up should not be this hard, but I swear I do have a reason (I try not to use the word excuse anymore). The truth is, we all have our reasons. Reasons for doing this or that. Reasons for not doing this or that. The reality of life is we all choose our priorities whether we do so intentionally or not, and regardless of what we say, our real priorities always show up in what we do. So, I haven't been great at posting here in recent months. And as much as I say I love blogging, there's definitely something that has been holding me back. In all honesty, I've struggled in recent years to know just what to say here. I've felt cut off, almost disconnected from my own self in a way (how crazy does that sound?). A lot of it has to do with being too hard on myself (something I'm gradually learning is not a pattern that serves me). It took me four years after a rather defining moment in my life to make the tough decision to let go of my non-profit project, a decision that I haven't regretted once since getting clear on the decision last summer in France. Sometimes you just gotta let go to make space. My reasons for not posting on the surface are many, and when there are so many distractions, its easy enough to say that the fire just isn't there. But, nothing could be further from the truth.
It's fire that motivates me to rise each morning lit up by the prospect of changing the food system in a way that will hopefully be lasting and leave a legacy. The truth is I want to live in a world my children and my children's children can enjoy. I don't want to knowingly participate in activities that compromise that. I want them to be able to enjoy delicious foods and feel hopeful about the prospects of the future. I want them to feel like it's OK to have kids themselves. I'm angry about a lot of things, and as it turns out I'm a person that is quite motivated by anger. Doing the work as an entrepreneur is in many ways enough. But not quite. Because there's always, always room for more. Back when I was doing free weekly cooking classes with low-income kids in the downtown eastside, I will never forget the day a close friend of mine (who was then childless) asked me a telling question. She openly wondered how I, as a mother, wasn't simply satisfied with myself just for raising two girls as my contribution towards making the world a better place? I couldn't wrap my head around that concept at the time, and while I much appreciate that perspective, I still don't quite get the concept of enough. How can anything be enough when there is so much good that can yet be done? What mountains could we move together if we all did (just a little) more?

Seedy Roasted Veggie Spread
(1/2) large cauliflower or (1) small cauliflower, cut into florets(2) red bell peppers, halved
(1) tbsp oil for baking
(1/2) cup sun-dried tomatoes in oil
(1/4) cup raw sunflower seeds
(4-5) tbsp lemon juice
(2) tbsp olive oil
(1) tbsp salt, or to taste
Start by heating the oven to 400 degrees. Lightly oil a flat baking sheet and spread the cauliflower florets flat on the sheet, as well as the red pepper halves, seed side down. Drizzle a tbsp of olive oil on the cauliflower and using your hands, gently coat the cauliflower with the oil. Bake the peppers and cauliflower for 30 35 minutes, tossing the cauliflower once or twice to promote even browning.
Once ready, remove the veggies from the oven and combine all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor. Blend on high until smooth. You can blend this dip to either a super smooth consistency or leave it in a somewhat grainy/clumpy texture its up to you its great both ways and the taste is super heavenly!
Recipe published on inpursuitofmore.com.