Change. It's a wonderful thing. As the seasons change, so do we, and one can never expect that things will remain the same, not ever, and why would we? There are so many wonderful things to do and experience! Sometimes it's all about the little things, like that water you never drink in the morning? These are the things YOU can do, right now. Just do it. Just drink it (those of you who don't drink enough water, that's for you). Change can be as simple as changing your phone screen saver (I'm working on a good one) to a fresh perspective, or running a slightly different route than the one you've practically worn your predictable footprints into.
As for time and it's relationship to growth, time will change us whether we want it to or not, but the real, most powerful and elemental change only comes when we intentionally pursue growth. I've a favorite saying I picked up from a friend that I often think of, and it affirms the notion that if we're not constantly growing we're dying, and as certainly as I sit here and write this, I'm personally staring at the beautiful, mist laden steps of a new path of my life. And I couldn't be more excited to grow and grow (and grow) again.
So in the face of bigger life changes, I'm making some more other changes too, albeit small but important ones. All of a sudden I'm drawn to certain simple & totally attainable things, like drinking that water I constantly avoid & feeling the draw towards full plant-based eating with a heavier than normal focus on raw food. My body wants clarity, so I'm cutting back on sugar and caffeine and heavily increasing the exposure to fresh air & modern art (my ultimate stimulus).

It's change/GO time folks, and it's so effing rad. Today's recipe celebrates change in even the familiar, where old recipes take on new twists and adapt to the seasonal changes in our local food supply & our most organic and natural of physical cravings. Squash is an all-time favourite of mine for its nutty sweet taste and soothing, nurturing texture. Here I combined sweet roasted Kabocha squash with the most basic hummus ingredients for a tasty addition to, well, anything. I hope you enjoy this lovely take on a traditional favourite.....and while we're at it (and you're still hear), try thinking of one small thing you can do today to grow your own world. However small or big, the best change only happens if we want it to, and the best ideas are always ones that actually happen.
Kabocha squash is an easy to find, market staple this time of year and the good news is, it will be easy to find until next spring. It roasts up super easy and depending on the soil & the farm from which it hailed, varies in sweetness. A good squash to me is one that's not stringy and not too watery, and I'd say of all the varieties out there, a good Kabocha always destroys all the rest.
For this recipe I used about half of a medium-size squash, and I certainly recommend roasting the whole thing and reserving some for dinner/soup/eating right away. So nutritious and filling too. Amazing.

Autumn Squash & Scallion Hummus:
- (2) cups roasted squash (about half of one medium Kabocha squash)
- (1-2) tbsp olive oil for roasting
- (1) 19 ounce can of chickpeas, 1.5 cups cooked if cooking from scratch
- (6) scallions, chopped
- (1/4) cup tahini, raw or toasted
- (1/4) cup lemon juice
- (1.5-2 tsp) salt
- (1-2) tbsp olive oil
- pinch of paprika, black pepper & cilantro/parsley for garnish
First, heat the oven to 400 degrees. Seed & cut the squash into lengthwise pieces, leaving the highly nutritious skin on (it will soften in the roasting process). Of course, if you have an aversion to the skins, feel free to remove them but I'm a whole squash girl always have been and I take great pleasure in eating whole thing :)
Toss or rub the squash slices in a little olive oil and place on a flat baking tray. Bake for 25-30 minutes or so, until the squash pieces are browning and soft. Be sure to flip them over once or twice to cook evenly and prevent sticking. When ready, remove from the oven to cool for a few minutes before pureeing.
To make the hummus, combine all of the ingredients in a sturdy blender or food processor. Blend until smooth, adding a little olive oil or water to create a silky smooth consistency. Transfer to large container and use right away or refrigerate.
Other than the traditional uses for hummus (sandwiches, with crackers, as a dip for veggies), recipes like this do wonders to dress up a colourful rainbow bowl, and those of you on Instagram will likely be familiar with DeliciouslyElla and her endless inpiration for gorgeous bowls of colourful food....and if you aren't I highly suggest you check her out! Whatever you choose to do with this lovely autumn recipe, do it with intention, knowing that today you can be better than you were yesterday. No matter where you are, or what you do. Embrace it. Lean into it. Love it. It will love you back!