For all you hummus lovers out there, it seems there is no end to the possibilities that can be made from mixing beans, tahini, salt & lemon juice with whatever it seems you have on hand. This recipe was created right around the time that I first made and shot the recipe for my last post, and since then I'm sure there have been more than a few new hummus ideas that have made their way into our kitchen, and onto our plates.
I've been asked quite a few times just how the whole blogging process works - like whether I just 'happen' to photograph what I'm making already (I don't usually) or whether the whole taking pictures of food thing is indeed pre-meditated. When I started blogging, little did I know the work and planning that goes into maintaining all that we as bloggers do to keep up with our own ongoing creativity. From the dreaming stage (think other blogs, reading magazines & cookbooks) to the testing/trials of recipes, to the eating and exclaiming something as actually blog-worthy, and then on to collecting the goods and finding the time to get in the groove of the whole process: it's a bit of an ordeal and one that isn't all that simple at times.
Needless to say the blogosphere is filled with folks who possess great talent. People who are passionately in love with food and creation and really do put so much of themselves into what they do, both online and off. I will speak for myself though when I say it's really not all a happy, beautiful accident, though when it flows it can feel like it is - much like the rest of our lives. That's what I've been thinking of lately..the difference between simply living what you love (and how easily the rest flows from that place), and how absolutely tough it is to execute when that light isn't lit or is dimmed or put out for any reason. It's got to be real, or it's simply another chore to add to the list - whether or not things are happening in real time.
As 2014 comes to a close, I'll be perfectly honest and say that I'm really not that sorry to see it go - despite the fact that it's been a really amazing year on so many important levels. I look forward to the day when I look back and remember the time that was, and all that was created and learned these past months. A year for building and exploration, creating new relationships and letting some go fallow. As it comes to a close, I know what will come with me and what will go….that's what this time of year is best for after all, right? Do what makes you happy. Try things. But don't ever lose sight of just what you need in life to feel joy. It's a lot less than any of us ever really realize when we are caught up in the day-to-day.
Wishing you all a wonderful cozy holiday with family and all the best for 2015 - much love for a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year! Enjoy this recipe made with white kidney beans - I use canned ones in this instance as white beans from scratch take an awful long time to cook (unlike chickpeas, lentils, or black beans). Keeps it easy & quick too - for those days when maybe you need that.

Creamy Cilantro White Bean Hummus
2 cups cooked white Navy beans2 tbsp tahini
1 yellow pepper, roasted
1/4 cup cilantro dressing
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 c lemon juice
chile flakes
green onions for topping
olive oil for garnish
Of course this recipe requires that you have cilantro dressing on hand from my previous post - it's a simple recipe that is good with anything - and of course can be adapted to suit whatever fresh herbs you may have on hand (I suggest basil or parsley).
To prepare for making the dip, you can roast your pepper by pre-heating the oven to 400 degrees. Slice the pepper in half and place it on a flat baking tray, seed side down (no need to seed the pepper first). Roast the pepper until the skin is black and starting to rise off the flesh of the pepper. Feel free to char the entire backside of the pepper here as this will make it easier to remove. Once the pepper is ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool until you can comfortably handle it. When cool enough, simply remove the inner seeds with your hands and roughly pull of the charred skins - it's ok if you don't get all of it. You are now ready to make the hummus.
Simply combine all of your ingredients and blend in a blender or food processor until smooth and creamy (this dip really does wow with the creaminess factor). Remove and serve with chile flakes, sliced scallions, and olive oil and black pepper if desired.
Serve with crusty homemade bread or cracker or veggies of your choice.