Dear friends: I've got to be up front with you. I've struggled with ways to get this out, but the time is come and I've simply got to be out with it: I'm mentally spent these days! I'm looking back at these past months as I've waited for that rush of energy, or that big hairy moment when I will find it all comes flowing back, those precious ideas for posts, the daydreaming of how to pair one beautiful seasonal ingredient with another, and the endless ways to strategize making this world a better place to be in for me and for others. But the truth is really just this right now: I'm at a time in my life where I'm just flat-out, all hands on deck, 100% occupied with re-defining myself professionally that I have come to the point where I've been somewhat scared and ashamed to put it all to words here on the blog (it feels great to just sit and write that, can I just say that?).
So there: it's out there. I'm not super-human, and while I never ever thought for a second you all thought I was, I've struggled when it comes time to writing words in this space out of the lack of sheer time and energy. Of course, I'm still making food, shooting it, eating it, thinking about it, and loving every minute of sharing it, but amongst all of this when it comes time to post - my brain is so occupied that when it comes to words, I'm struck dumb these days it feels like.
So my answer? Less is more. I'm still going to post (in fact I may post more), but I may be short on wordy wisdom for a while. As a sort of self preservation, I'm hoping you'll keep coming here as you've always done, to see what's fueling me and the family in the kitchen. But maybe also to see what I'm reading, or listening to, or frankly, who and what is keeping me going. Of course I hope you'll always come back for the food, or tidbits that may rock your world a little like this piece of raw, honest and very humbling perspective.
I may be short on words, but I'm nowhere near short on desires - and those desires are stronger, brighter, and more powerful than ever (it's just with all the heavy lifting it turns out I do need rest). Here's a winning combo to keep your desires powered: whether you're feeling depleted mentally or just looking for a way to stay grounded through whatever it is you pursue: thanks for being here and reading and I hope to continue to bring value to your life and am ever so grateful to have you here. It's all just a big giant journey! Millet is a super grain hailed as the 'Queen of Grains' by my mom, and we ate a lot of it as kids growing up. It fluffs up beautifully here in this recipe that is rich in flavour from coconut & curry spice.
In other news, a BIG shoutout to all you moms out there who just celebrated Mother's Day last weekend. I hope your kids and your husbands treated you like the rockstars you all are! Happy long weekend of those of you in Canada. XO

Coconut Curried Millet Pilaf with Crispy Kale, Tomato & Egg:
- (1) tbsp coconut oil, or vegetable oil
- (2) tbsp fresh grated ginger
- (2) shallots, minced
- (1) cup millet
- (1) cup coconut milk
- (3/4) cup water
- (1.5) tsp salt
- 3-4 tbsp curry powder
- (1) egg, fried (sunny side up)
- (1) roma tomato
- (1/4-1/2) sliced avocado, optional
Crispy Kale:
- (1) bunch green curly kale
- olive oil & salt for rubbing kale leaves
- Zaatar spice to sprinkle on leaves, optional
Heat the coconut oil in a medium pot until warm. Add the grated ginger & shallots and cook, stirring regularly for 3-4 minutes, until fragrant.
Next, add the dry millet & curry powder and cook, stirring constantly for another 3-4 minutes to 'toast' the grains. Add the coconut milk, water, salt and stir until combined. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil, turning it down once boiling but keeping it covered. Cook for 25 minutes, until all the liquid is absorbed and it is light and fluffy.
Crispy Kale:
This is really the easiest thing in the world. Simply heat the oven to 325 and wash your kale leaves and pat dry. As the oven heats and the millet cooks, tear the leaves from the stems into 4/5 inch pieces and place in a mixing bowl. When all separated, pour about a teaspoon of oil into the palm of your hands and rub your hands together. Next, use the oil on your hands to coat each kale leaf lightly - just enough to crisp it up. Use as much or as little olive oil as you need to get the whole bunch. Next, sprinkle a few pinches of salt on the leaves if desired, and add other seasonings such as Zaatar or a pinch of garlic powder or even ground cumin. Bake on a flat tray until crispy, 10-15 depending on your oven. Remove and allow to cool a little before devouring.
Assemble your new favourite meal by arranging 1 cup or so of the millet pilaff with tomato, slices of avocado (not shown), crispy kale to your heart's desire and topping with a fried egg. Apply hot sauce of choice liberally, if desired and enjoy with a clear mind a happy, grateful belly.