Love. What a wonderful word. When I was growing up, my mom used to tell me her only care was to bring up children that would love. A lovely goal. In the end I can say I think she did okay, and I can honestly say that above all, I believe that love is undoubtedly the one thing this world can always use more of.
Love can be shown in many ways of course. There is fun love and then there is tough love. IMO, the fun stuff is what we get when we get through the tough stuff, and around and around it goes. True love is tested through times of challenge. And what better way to grow together than to work together? Whether you show your love through a love letter, a giant monster hug, a good stern chat, or with a good, hearty meal made with kind hands & a generous heart, I wish you all the very happiest, and loving of days. Valentines or not, for reals.
Make these healthy little pockets of pure, plant-based love anytime for a super healthy easy meal that will please your taste buds and your tummy. Just for you or another loved one, or both!

Chickpea & Pesto Radicchio Wraps:
- (1) head radicchio (or cabbage, belgian endive, or escarole)
- (1) cup dry chickpeas (or 2 cups cooked from a can)
- (1) tsp salt for cooking
- (1/3) cup Kale Pesto
If you are cooking your chickpeas from scratch, soak overnight or for at least 8 hours in enough cold water to cover. Once ready, drain the expanded beans and rinse well with plenty of cold fresh water. To cook, put up the soaked beans in 4-5 cups of water and bring to a boil. Add a teaspoon of salt to the water and, keeping the water at a medium boil, cook the chickpeas partially covered until soft (about an hour). Once soft, drain the chickpeas and their cooking liquid and rinse quickly with more cold water.
While the chickpeas cook, make the Kale Pesto. The recipe for pesto makes a lot, so plan to have some more amazing uses lined up for it - you will be happy to have it on hand!
To prepare the radicchio leaves, wash the outer leaves with cold water and shake or pat dry. Using a knife, 'core' the bottom of the head of radicchio and gently pull the bottom out. If you can't pull it out entirely it's okay as this will loosen the leaves at the bottom for removing. Gently peel the outer leaves of the radicchio off and set aside. They are so beautiful and I just love doing this! Of course you can also do this with cabbage, endive, escarole, or even crunchy romaine leaves.
Once the beans are cooked and still warm, combine the cooked chickpeas with 1/4-1/3 cup of the prepared fresh pesto and mix gently. Feel free to add more or less according to your preference.
Spoon 1/3-1/2 cup of the chickpea pesto mixture into 4 or 6 of the prepared leaves and serve immediately. Serve these beautifully hued babies to anyone as a yummy and interesting first course, or enjoy right away as a filling & satisfying lunch. Radicchio can be found in most grocery stores these days and I love it for its gorgeous color and bitter crunchy taste. It also keeps for weeks and is delicious added to all manner of salads. It can even be sautéed!