If we really are what we eat, then I might very well be just this. The most simple & obvious pairing that seems almost too simple to share, but to me, this most classic combo easily represents the very best in food (and in life) summed up in just two ingredients. After all, isn't this precisely what we want from our food, and really, in so many ways....our lives? I know it is for me.
As I write this, I've just returned home from a four day jaunt across the country on business. This being no holiday, I travel alone, stay in hotels, eat food when I can, finding much solace in my connections with the people I travel to see and spend time with.
Even on short trips, it's not long before the simple things that are normally barely noticed are missed. Like the smell of your pillow, the comforting sound of the tea kettle at night, or those little growing arms that wrap themselves around you at night for one last bedtime cuddle. No matter where I go or where I've been, time away from my family & home that I love makes me astutely aware of what is most dear to me.
Morning sun. An early waking to the chirping of birds outside my bedroom window. A great book (I am currently enraptured reading Steve Jobs biography). My family. My home. There aren't many things in this life we actually need, and sometimes enjoying fewer things more can really bring out simple perfections we might forget to notice all the time unless we make a conscious effort to try.
Today I enjoyed my all time favourite food, and am sharing it with you all today, as a way to welcome myself home. Plus, there weren't many ingredients in the house and there's nothing more convenient than popping a few frozen pieces of your favourite bread in the toaster. Is there? I think not, and the possibilities here are endless.
All you need is a few old pieces of bread (fresh or frozen), a nice ripe avocado, and a little imagination. Simple. Easy. Perfect. My kind of food, and 3 words worth striving for in all things.

Avocado Toast
(1-2) pieces your fave bread(1) small ripe avocado
(1-2) tbsp olive oil for the toast (optional)
(1-2) squeezes of fresh lemon juice
Optional toppings
Sprouted buckwheat, chia, hemp hearts, cayenne, chilli flakes, balsamic vinegar glaze, black pepper, tomato slices, sauerkraut (use any but do keep it simple, just 1-3 items a time depending on what is on hand). Simply toast your bread to desired brownness and drizzle the olive oil if using on it while the bread is still warm. Use a fork and smash the avocado onto the bread. Top with a little squeezed lemon juice and toppings of choice. Eat immediately and enjoy.
I tend to eat 2 pieces when really hungry (as I was today) and find I can go for hours afterwards. I especially notice extra energy on a run if I go at night after enjoying this for breakfast.